Monday 29 December 2014

Back from a Hiatus and the Big update

My darling sweetpea! sorry sorry sorry...Such a long break from writing. Promise i shall do several catch up posts so you don't miss even a tiny bit of updates from the last from my writinh hiatus of the last few months. So, the BIG BIG BIG update is that you are suddenly a chatter box now...just like your Mamma! I would need to invent new words/adjectives to descrive happiness to describe how i feel about this. And suddenly you are a 'know-it-all' toddler- who would attempt everyword he hears. No words too big now for you!!!! Starting from Apppa (Abba), Mamma, Ha-hee (Sunny) to Man-ty (Monkey) to Popol (purple) color to Opa-pas (Octopus) Papatu (Paw Petrol, your favourite cartoon) and not to forget Not-Ty (naughty). You are making wonderful little phrases with the words you know "Juice Over".."tiger bo-bo".. "its broken"...I am smiling all over remembering all this cuteness. Here is chatterbox and mamma from a couple of months back. I think we have both become better at taking selfies since...