Saturday 10 May 2014

Being 2 !

You are now 2 years and 2 weeks old...! If you ask me what kind of a two year old was I? I would say you are two year old 'full of beans'. You a rockstar! And if anyone says anything different to you ever...don't believe them. I hope that when you are a grown up...complaining about your life, you should remember you were a pretty awesome 2 year old.  You are feisty, emotional, funny, happy curious and just about the most energetic thing i know. No reason why the older you cant be all those things.

You express your love for Ammi in the cutest ways...and you make me laugh endlessly. You are my joy !

You are still not talking much though, but you communicate with me in so many ways that i forget sometimes about the talking part. I used to worry a lot about this, but i know the important thing is to communicate/emote and to understand which you do a plenty. So i am not complaining....But you did say ma-ma-maam to me the other day and you said ba when Emma at the nursery showed you a banana. You are getting there...Slow n steady ! And here is a picture of you doing what you do best....running around...!

Friday 9 May 2014

The lil drama queen!

If you ask me what is the single biggest theatrics of yours that i remember from the last two years...i would have to say many:

Most recently yesterday you decided diapers ain't why not just take it off. And the what followed was my biggest diaper related can imagine !! Yuckkk...and to top it the Cleaner par Excellence... your Abba wasn't home. I don't remember missing him so much in many years like i missed him yesterday. And the whn after cleaning the house, then cleaning you  i went for a bath myself...leaving the bathroom door slightly ajar so i could hear you. You were watching TV, so i was pretty confident of getting a quick bath......Als,you pulled my shower curtain and kept playing peek-a-boo, till i just found my towel  ...You Little naughty monkey ! Lesson learned- Lock the door while getting into the shower...or don't shower!

And then there was the stair the toilet episode with a serving spoon from the kitchen...which was instantly disposed by the way. I cant forget the giggle i got from you when caught red-handed ;-)

And then the rolling on the floor episodes on practically every airport you have been so far starting from Jorhat, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kolkata, London....and wait Bristol and Edinburgh ;-) It must be some sort of a world record. I promise...i will get a picture the next time you roll.

Talking of airport dramas how can i forget you simply smashing my new phone at Mumbai airport. And since then i have been smart phone less...I wonder..when your are reading this, if smart phones will still exist. 

Sunday 4 May 2014

The hearing test and the sundry !

Last Thursday we were down at the audiologist at St Michael's Hospital to check out your hearing. You would ask 'why'? Though i am pretty sure your hearing is perfect, it is one of the things that the doctors need to do to figure our why you aren't talking yet. You did say 'de' and 'Ma-ma' today, and someday you say 'juice' or 'kak' aka cake, or 'oot' aka hot...even 'car' and 'cat-toon'...and 'catch'...But its different things on different days and never consistently. I wonder if you would think 'mom is over-reacting', but i just want to be sure that if you need any support with getting your words together, i am able to give you that. That might sound like a good explanation to a 20 year old you. But 2 year old you are clearly not impressed with my attempts and impositions. In other words, the hearing test was non-starter. At 30 i cant stand at a spot for more than a few minutes, that is a lot to expect of you, especially in room full of toys. End result, we have to reschedule your test for the 15th of May...!! lets see how that works out.

When i say you aren't talking yet, don't assume you aren't communicating. You are communication a lot. Just a few minutes back you told me to carry you and to put you to sleep by first pulling out me shawl, then pull my my finger so much that i would have to stand and then you openned your arms to me with cutest lil grin and a background sound that sounded more like uh-uh-uhhhh-uh :-) :-) And in 2 mins you were fast asleep with your head on my shoulder. You just know how to get the job done !!! When you are older that would be a pretty handy trait to have....especially if it works your Dad.

PS you have just gone to sleep on your cot-which has been our everyday tag of war for the last month...You hate it. But we have been trying to have you sleep on your own. Truth be told, i hate it too. And i miss my lil cuddly bunny right next to me. Muwahhhh!