Saturday 10 May 2014

Being 2 !

You are now 2 years and 2 weeks old...! If you ask me what kind of a two year old was I? I would say you are two year old 'full of beans'. You a rockstar! And if anyone says anything different to you ever...don't believe them. I hope that when you are a grown up...complaining about your life, you should remember you were a pretty awesome 2 year old.  You are feisty, emotional, funny, happy curious and just about the most energetic thing i know. No reason why the older you cant be all those things.

You express your love for Ammi in the cutest ways...and you make me laugh endlessly. You are my joy !

You are still not talking much though, but you communicate with me in so many ways that i forget sometimes about the talking part. I used to worry a lot about this, but i know the important thing is to communicate/emote and to understand which you do a plenty. So i am not complaining....But you did say ma-ma-maam to me the other day and you said ba when Emma at the nursery showed you a banana. You are getting there...Slow n steady ! And here is a picture of you doing what you do best....running around...!

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